15th Annual Western BCA 9-Ball Championships

October 9-14, 2012

Chinook Winds Casino Resort — Lincoln City, Oregon


Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (43 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (78 entries) Men's A Singles (103 entries) Men's Master Singles (63 entries)
Women's Master Singles (33 entries) Men's Senior Singles (34 entries) Men's B Singles (176 entries) Women's Open Singles (106 entries)
Men's/Mixed B Teams (51 entries) Men's/Mixed Teams (87 entries) Women's Teams (49 entries)

Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list

Total Entries 43
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $4300
Added Money $2520
Total Payout $6820
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1900 Matt Horner Mary Hopkin MID/NPL 9th-12th $160 Clark Smith Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL
2nd $1300 Luke Thomas Shelby Locati CC/NPL 9th-12th $160 Kevin Fong Deb McDonald MTV/NPL
3rd $850 Paul Marquez Eve Stockstill NPL 9th-12th $160 Eddie Mataya Molly Oliver NPL/WWA
4th $550 Will Totten Donna Totten NPL 9th-12th $160 Mike Stevens Cindy Doty NPL
5/6th $340 Chad Bisconer Stacy Eilts NPL 13-16th $110 Jim Conway Nancy Measor LTD
5/6th $340 Dan Louie Kathy Stanley LTD 13-16th $110 Bob Heckel Patricia Tipton CC
7/8th $230 Kevin Ross Shari Ross LTD 13-16th $110 Clayton Foran Jessica Orth CWY
7/8th $230 Cedric Sloan Josie Leroy NPL 13-16th $110 Marvin Holmes Kimberly Kirk LTD

Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list

Total Entries 78
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $5460
Added Money $1350
Total Payout $6810
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1520 Brent Langley Marian Poole LTD 13-16th $120 Mike Scotvold Kathy Pridgen CWY
2nd $1070 Ernie Bristow Robin Adams NPL 13-16th $120 Marcello Girardi Vikkie Knutson LTD
3rd $750 Pat O'Meara Barbara Rosa MTV 13-16th $120 Sonny Boggs Stephanie Karpins PCGP
4th $510 Ike Williams Bunny Williams WWA 13-16th $120 Tim Anderson Lisa Foster LTD
5/6th $340 Frank Kincl Laura Hardie NPL 17-24th $80 Greg Garcia Joyce Robinson NPL
5/6th $340 Willie Wong Patty Hayes CWY 17-24th $80 Randy White Trish White NPL
7/8th $240 Joe Moyak Kim Allen NPL 17-24th $80 Troy Payne Trish Morgan CWY
7/8th $240 Tom Cicchitti Debbie Cicchitti LTD 17-24th $80 Somerfield Habener Lynnea McCrone EV
9th-12th $170 Ed Ambo Fran Johnson LTD 17-24th $80 Greg Barquist Denice Totten NPL
9th-12th $170 Phil Bremer Jennifer Windell CPL 17-24th $80 Scott Perry Adrianne Beach LTD
9th-12th $170 Larry Maes Faith Morfin NPL 17-24th $80 Glenn Strode Lynnette Perez LTD
9th-12th $170 Bill Fuller Linda Fuller NPL 17-24th $80 Sandro Menzel Leann Russell LTD

Men's Master Singles return to list

Total Entries 63
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $3150
Added Money $1975
Total Payout $5125
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1170 Matt Horner MID 9th-12th $125 Cary Brauer WWA 17-24th $60 Mike Stevens NPL
2nd $800 Robert Niemeyer NPL 9th-12th $125 Cedric Sloan NPL 17-24th $60 Eric Sawyer TC
3rd $550 Bob Olson NPL 9th-12th $125 Danny Burdick PCGP 17-24th $60 Gord Gervais LTD
4th $385 Mike Deitchman NPL 9th-12th $125 Ken Dodd NPL 17-24th $60 John Evans NPL
5/6th $265 Pete Gates NPL 13-16th $85 Tom Brady MID 17-24th $60 Nick Lopez CWY
5/6th $265 Jim Conway LTD 13-16th $85 Phil Wilson LTD 17-24th $60 Steve Copher CPL
7/8th $185 Roger Goodman EV 13-16th $85 Luke Thomas CC 17-24th $60 Greg Christensen COB
7/8th $185 Miguel Morfin LTD 13-16th $85 Clayton Foran CWY 17-24th $60 Creigh Dumo WWA

Women's Master Singles return to list

Total Entries 32
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1600
Added Money $885
Total Payout $2485
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $850 Andrena Browne EV 5/6th $125 Shirley Morgan NPL 9-12th $50 Susan Preston EV
2nd $500 Deby Welfringer NPL 5/6th $125 Rosie Jensen NPL 9-12th $50 Barb Thompson NPL
3rd $325 Diane Krause EV 7/8th $80 Linda Knight PCGP 9-12th $50 Kathy Stanley LTD
4th $200 Nancy Measor LTD 7/8th $80 Stacy Eilts NPL 9-12th $50 Sassy Campbell CPL

Men's A Singles return to list

Total Entries 103
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $4120
Added Money $1290
Total Payout $5410
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $1000 Jeremy Harvey LTD 9-12th $135 Tommy Fulton CWY 17-24th $70 Tuy Singharaj CPL
2nd $720 Dennis Young PCGP 13-16th $100 Tim Desmarais CWY 17-24th $70 Dan Coffman NPL
3rd $510 Sean Stevenson CPL 13-16th $100 Castulo Garcia NPL 25-32th $50 Mike Deveau WWA
4th $370 Jim Benton LTD 13-16th $100 Leroy Crabb NPL 25-32th $50 Troy Payne CWY
5/6th $265 Robert Danielson NPL 13-16th $100 Ryan Parke CWY 25-32th $50 Ace Ogletree EV
5/6th $265 Jerod Barth LTD 17-24th $70 Phil Bremer CPL 25-32th $50 Mike Rankin EV
7/8th $190 Travis DeJong LTD 17-24th $70 Charlie Burnett NPL 25-32th $50 Brent Langley LTD
7/8th $190 Bret Baker PCGP 17-24th $70 Marcello Girardi LTD 25-32th $50 Scott Perry LTD
9-12th $135 Jora Sandhu LTD 17-24th $70 Bill Fuller NPL 25-32th $50 Don Rachels LTD
9-12th $135 Tom Myers LCP 17-24th $70 Eric Gibson NPL 25-32th $50 John Chaplin TIO
9-12th $135 Tim Anderson LTD 17-24th $70 Somerfield Habener EV          

Men's B Singles return to list

Total Entries 176
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $5280
Added Money $1105
Total Payout $6385
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $775 John Scudder NPL 17-24th $80 Travis Graves COB 33-48th $45 Leif O'Neal EV
2nd $580 Tim Guimeres NPL 17-24th $80 Frank Blazon NPL 33-48th $45 Tim Johnson NPL
3rd $440 Steve Soelberg CWY 25-32th $60 Anthony Shipley EV 33-48th $45 Robert Gonzales NPL
4th $330 Jose Velazquez SWI 25-32th $60 David Martin SWI 33-48th $45 Luis Esparaza SWI
5/6th $250 Dustin Geffe CWY 25-32th $60 Jeffrey Leach MTV 49-64th $35 Gary Elston NPL
5/6th $250 Willie Wong CWY 25-32th $60 Chuck Tate SWI 49-64th $35 Phil Gere LTD
7/8th $190 John Boldman LTD 25-32th $60 Ernie Johnson LTD 49-64th $35 Jeremy Gilland LTD
7/8th $190 Jim Roe COB 25-32th $60 Linny Birdsong LINC 49-64th $35 Al Miller LTD
9-12th $140 James Clifford HIH 25-32th $60 Jim Anderson MID 49-64th $35 Dewayne Harvill NPL
9-12th $140 Alex Lugo TC 25-32th $60 Paul Alexander LTD 49-64th $35 Cary Bennett LTD
9-12th $140 Steve Tamura LTD 33-48th $45 Joe Moyak NPL 49-64th $35 Caleb Dugger SWI
9-12th $140 Joel Peck EV 33-48th $45 Ralph Jones CWY 49-64th $35 Izzur Lemus CPL
13-16th $105 Alex Blair NPL 33-48th $45 Jose Aquino NPL 49-64th $35 Brad Ehlers NPL
13-16th $105 John Kiske LTD 33-48th $45 Thomas Patrocinio CPL 49-64th $35 Jose Chavez SWI
13-16th $105 Jeff Farnsworth NPL 33-48th $45 Jason Larson NPL 49-64th $35 Ciro Hernandez TIO
13-16th $105 Matt Jorgenson LTD 33-48th $45 Robert Best MID 49-64th $35 Matt Cook UMP
17-24th $80 James Brinson LINC 33-48th $45 Dan Carmen CPL 49-64th $35 Don Brenneman LINC
17-24th $80 Bryan Weyand COB 33-48th $45 Travis Gilbert SWI 49-64th $35 Cliff Maxson NPL
17-24th $80 Tyrel Datwyler NPL 33-48th $45 Steve Sessums SWI 49-64th $35 Scott Dannen MID
17-24th $80 Brad Laskoski NPL 33-48th $45 Frank Silva CWY 49-64th $35 Zack Hill CC
17-24th $80 Dylan Meyer CPL 33-48th $45 Pete Gonzales NPL          
17-24th $80 Ryan Skaggs LTD 33-48th $45 Wally Johnston NPL          

Women's Open Singles return to list

Total Entries 105
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $3675
Added Money $825
Total Payout $4500
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $800 Kathy Pridgen CWY 9-12th $115 Teri Dodson LCP 17-24th $60 Jennifer Speer EV
2nd $575 Melyssa Chasteen CPL 13-16th $85 Susan Gray NPL 17-24th $60 Debbie Cicchitti LTD
3rd $420 Adele Evans NPL 13-16th $85 Doreen Butler UMP 25-32th $45 Windy Manuelito COB
4th $305 Laura Hardie NPL 13-16th $85 Lynnette Perez LTD 25-32th $45 Heidi Hoffman TC
5/6th $220 Kim Toops LTD 13-16th $85 Rebecca Slyter CPL 25-32th $45 Jennifer Joslin MID
5/6th $220 Brandy Phillips NPL 17-24th $60 Leann Russell LTD 25-32th $45 Beverly Schantz CC
7/8th $160 Amy Horan LINC 17-24th $60 Talya Makus LTD 25-32th $45 Stephanie Amerman COB
7/8th $160 Pam Carraway MTV 17-24th $60 Stephanie Karpins PCGP 25-32th $45 Becki Silva-Smith
9-12th $115 Mindi Henning MTV 17-24th $60 Julie Stallings EV 25-32th $45 Teresa Shaw MID
9-12th $115 Linda Smith CPL 17-24th $60 Raquel Walton CPL 25-32th $45 Yvonne Colfax NPL
9-12th $115 Jessie Hartwell CC 17-24th $60 Gloria Villa LTD          

Men's Senior Singles return to list

Total Entries 34
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1190
Added Money $320
Total Payout $1510
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $430 Greg Cantrall NPL 5/6th $90 Lloyd Hammond LTD 9-12th $40 Sonny Boggs PCGP
2nd $290 Vernon Joe WWA 5/6th $90 Wayne Milke NPL 9-12th $40 John (Cord) Parsons MID
3rd $200 Wes Hough NPL 7/8th $60 Steve Baumann MID 9-12th $40 Joe Chun LTD
4th $130 Bill Henderson MTV 7/8th $60 Dave Thompson NPL 9-12th $40 Rafael (Jun) Pagarigan Jr NPL

Men's/Mixed Teams return to list

Total Entries 87
Entry Fee $120
Entry Fees $10,440
Added Money $4260
Total Payout $14,700
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $2505 DJ Cues.com I Sean Lewis, John Te, Carl Tibbetts LTD
2nd $1835 Three Marvells Jim Benton, Don Rachels, Stan Tourangeau LTD
3rd $1320 The DeLuna Gang Paul DeLuna, Greg Garcia, Chad Bisconer NPL
4th $973 A Little Loaded Mike Jensen, Mike Stevens, Tavis Wagner NPL
5th - 6th $720 Got Gamble?? Carlos Cadena, Jerald Davenport, Luke Thomas CC
5th - 6th $720 Snuffy's John Chaplin, Jon Chase, Rick Tillett TIO
7th - 8th $525 JTS Jeremy Harvey, Scott Chandler, Tip Aufderheide LTD
7th - 8th $525 Saved by the Balls Jay Coomes, Bill Dixon, Chris Guffey NPL
9th-12th $390 Littlerock Tavern Michael Gwinn, Larry Francisco, Carroll Johnson, Eric Sawyer TC
9th-12th $390 Blind Squirrels Pete Gates, Ed Locati, Darryl Schulden NPL
9th-12th $390 Another Gear Rennie Amadeo, Larry Maes, Edward Mataya NPL
9th-12th $390 EYO Cues Richard Geiler, Vernon Joe, Ernie Omori WWA
13th-16th $285 Sneakers Odor Eaters Travis Bowman, Greg Cantrall, Dewayne Harvill NPL
13th-16th $285 Alibi S.J.G.L. Russell Cearley, Sheldon Lebow, Josh Thomaschefsky EV
13th-16th $285 Pool Dawgs Jeff Goemmel, Bob Prouty, Mike West NPL
13th-16th $285 Good Bad & Ugly Lloyd Aalvik, Ray Galli, Sean Stevenson CPL
17th-24th $210 IR3 Steve Copher, Tony Dunlap, Dim Dy CPL
17th-24th $210 Man of the Cloth Anthony Shipley, Mike Shipley, Raymond Sibert EV
17th-24th $210 Club Underground Ken Dodd, Frank Kincl, Shea Lanter NPL
17th-24th $210 Where's Phil-Do Phil Bremer, Mike Carpenter, JasonGrijalva CPL
17th-24th $210 Big Shots Tony Bloom, Jeramy Daniels, Somerfield Habener EV
17th-24th $210 Crap, Here We Go Again! Brian Anders, Paul Kinney, Mike Morang PCGP
17th-24th $210 Cheese Riders Marcello Girardi, Bjorn Marshall, Miguel Morfin LTD
17th-24th $210 NW Cruisers Mike,Deveau, Owen Miller, Doug Schulze WWA
25th-32th $150 Old Town Pump Ramiro Simental, Kyle Ward, Rodney Ward CWY
25th-32th $150 TAJ Aaron Curti, Terry Erdman, Justin Lilje CPL
25th-32th $150 4 Idjits With Stix Dylan Meyer, Mike Dubendorf, Tuy Singharaj, Todd Smith CPL
25th-32th $150 Calculated Chaos Ernie Bristow, Robert Niemeyer, Dave Thompson NPL
25th-32th $150 Off Daily Sonny Boggs, Mark Fenn, James Myers PCGP
25th-32th $150 Good Fellows Tom Cicchitti, Joe Landi, Jora Sandhu LTD
25th-32th $150 Yukon Jacks Donald Fowler, Gary Hoffman, Mike Rankin EV
25th-32th $150 Three For Pool Bob Olson, Larry Schave, Eric Soumokil NPL

Women's Teams return to list

Total Entries 49
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $5145
Added Money $1635
Total Payout $6780
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $1740 Ballad Town Babes Melyssa Chasteen, Tammy Holcomb, Rebecca Slyter CPL
2nd $1200 The Cotton Club Sharon Bledsoe, Phyllis Fernandez, Alicia Kvasnicka INL
3rd $825 Have A Little Faith Debbie Cicchitti, Kimberley Kirk, Faith Morfin LTD
4th $555 Fifty Shades Of Green Lisa Foster, Suwanna Kroll, Leann Russell LTD
5th - 6th $375 Lil' Puckers Brenda Bartholomew, Adele Evans, Cindy Sliva NPL
5th - 6th $375 What Were We Thinking Dana Michaels, Debbi Owings, Lynnette Perez, Kim Jones LTD
7th - 8th $255 Pop Culture Machelle Amore, Stacy Eilts, Kay Rubens NPL
7th - 8th $255 Girls On Fire Jessie Hartwell, Theresa Palmer, Beverly Schantz CC
9th-12th $180 S.T.S. Tracey Cunningham, Linda Smith, Shawn Wolf CPL
9th-12th $180 West Valley Ladies Cassie Epperson, Trina Kessell, Mary Sauve, Bert Woody CWY
9th-12th $180 Hell's Angels Tania Barnhart, Berni Michel, Gail Stensgar WWA
9th-12th $180 Chaos Adrianne Beach, Talya Makus, Alisha Rogers LTD
13th-16th $120 Haven't Got A Cue Vickie Anders, Laurie Kinney, Linda Knight PCGP
13th-16th $120 No Balls All Game Kim Allen, Alison Meacham, Jennifer Windell CPL
13th-16th $120 Strokin' Bees Bea Goodenough, Eva Hill, Eunic Sleight NPL
13th-16th $120 Nice Girls Play Pool Cherish Carpenter, Tammy Dixon, Denice White NPL

Men's/Mixed B Teams return to list

Total Entries 51
Entry Fee $90
Entry Fees $4590
Added Money $960
Total Payout $5550
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $1380 The Islanders Ernie Johnson, Dexter Lewis, Ryan Skaggs LTD
2nd $945 Malarkeys B Jose Aquino, Seth Cumby, Brad Laskowski NPL
3rd $660 Trouble Shooters John Kiske, Terry Takeuchi, Steve Tamura LTD
4th $465 I'm With Stupid Jim Long, Glen Sakamura, Jef Stuart, Markus White CC
5th - 6th $315 Tres Amigos Augustine Gonzales, Robert Gonzales, Joe Perez NPL
5th - 6th $315 I've Seen Better Ryan Huntoon, Leif O'Neal, Joel Peck, JR Willis EV
7th - 8th $225 Lucky Ones Rocke Bell, Alex Dobler, Phil Gibson EV
7th - 8th $225 Ranch Crew Rodney Barney, Eric Wagne, Willie Wong CWY
9th-12th $150 Chalk Is Cheap Charlie Dotson, Travis Gutcher, Al Miller LTD
9th-12th $150 Peacock Robert Best, Scott Dannen, Lance Griffin MID
9th-12th $150 Krickett's Players Moi Atinae, Jimmy Best, Tim Best, Sean Dines, Tony Smith WWA
9th-12th $150 The Strokes Adrianne Beach, Talya Makus, Alisha Rogers NPL
13th-16th $105 A BCA Team Aaron Coe, Tyrel Datwyler, Al Williams LTD
13th-16th $105 Toadstool:New Army Luis Esparaza, Chuck Tate, Jose Velazquez SWI
13th-16th $105 Shooting Blanks Jason Freeman, Del Frint, Bryan Weyand COB
13th-16th $105 Washougal Eagles Jerry Dinsmore, Omar Gravelle, Joe Parkison NPL